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Eliza works with our Medicare Advantage plan clients to quickly and cost-effectively assess HOS and CAHPS measures before the measurement period.

In fact, one Medicare client running our HOS/CAHPS outreach as part of their Eliza solution increased its overall Star rating from 2 to 5 in just three years, exceeding its target.

Eliza's Best Practices in program design offer a proven way to quickly, cost-effectively engage your population with industry-standard HOS and CAHPS assessments that predict and impact Star metrics:

  • Drive completion of surveys that assess member status for key HOS measures such as risk of falling, bladder control, and physical/mental health
  • Drive completion of surveys that assess member status for key CAHPS measures such as member satisfaction with the plan and their physicians
  • Boost Star scores by creating survey proxies and connecting with members addressing areas of concern impacting HOS and CAHPS scores

Just fill out this form to request our solution overview and case study, and we'll be in touch.